Being a college student is a great opportunity to not just create an identity academically for yourself, but most of all transforming yourself into the person that you are going to become. As a senior in high school right now you are the big dog on campus, you know all the cool people and the in's and out's of your home town. You feel a sense of invincibility and think you have the ability to take on the world as you know it to be. However, once you leave home and break out into a world of higher achievement both academically and socially. You cannot be afraid to take the mighty hammer Mjullner and take the next step. As Van Halen puts it in their 1984 hit song “Jump” you need to be able to “role with the punches until you get to what’s real”. College gives you that opportunity to role with the punches by meeting new people, living in a college dorm room that is too small for two people, eating in a mess hall with 200 other students, learning the Chicago turabian writing prompt, arguing with a professor that you completely disagree with during office visits, and finding time to enjoy a cup of coffee in the student union with your new friends from seven states away. As I tell my kids every day what is cool in high school is no longer cool in college, and I wish I could start my four years of college over again, because it was one of the greatest experiences of my life. So don’t be afraid to JUMP out of your high school click and into a great college career both academically and socially.
As always “All the answers you seek will be answered once you find Mjullner”
Aaron Taylor - Riverton High School College Advisor
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