If you're going to college, you probably want to be successful. If this isn't your goal, you might as well just burn your money now and save yourself some time. But how does one become successful in college? Well, you've already seen some great ideas by the other advisors, so I'll just go ahead and throw another one out there for you: Find what you're good at it, and run with it.
A lot of students go to college planning on studying pre-med or engineering. The motivations for entering these fields of study can range from wanting to help people, to doing something that your parents do, or even to simply make a lot of money. Unfortunately, some of the students who go into these fields don't fully understand what they're getting into. Some fields require lots of math and/or science, and if these aren't your strong suits, you might be fighting an uphill battle.
Now, I'm not going to sit here and tell you to just give up. That would be silly. All I'm saying is that when you find what an are that you're really good at, stick with it. Make that your major or emphasis of study. If you're not enjoying your major, change it. You can't be successful in school if you're not enjoying yourself.
So find what field of study you enjoy and are good at, and make it happen!
When in Rome
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