Alright, let's get real for a second: There is, in fact, very little "joy" involved in writing a resume. In all actuality, it is pretty much a big pain in the you-know-what. But the truth is, a resume is one of the most important documents you will ever create in your life. No pressure or anything.
Now, you can use some of the tips we've already given, such as using key words and making it unique. The best advice may have been given by Heather, who mentioned it's better to have an actual, real live person look at your resume. Teachers and counselors in your school would most certainly be willing to help you. I have one more bit of advice that can help ease the resume stress.
Make your resume a living document.
I'm not talking about going all Dr. Frankenstein and actually making the piece of paper come to life. That would be pretty neat, but also pretty silly. What I mean is keep you resume constantly changing. Reach a new milestone at your part-time or summer job? Put it in. Put together an awesome community service project? Put it in. Get a prestigious award from you school? PUT IT IN! By adding noteworthy items as they occur, you alleviate the pressure of scrambling when you actually need the resume. And a stressed resume isn't always a good resume.
So there you have it. Update as you go along, and make life easier.
I'll catch y'all on the flip side
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