Tuesday, February 21, 2012

6 tips

Being a successful college student doesn’t always mean getting a 4.0 GPA every semester but it does mean putting your all into everything you do in and outside of classroom time. I want to share 6 tips to help you become a successful college student, and get the most out of your education.

1.       ATTEND CLASS! This may seem obvious, but that 8 a.m. class can come awfully early each day. However, research shows that high class attendance correlates with higher grades.
2.       Sit in the front row. By sitting in the front you are able to focus on the instructor where it’s easier to hear him/her, and listen without distractions.
3.       Attend office hours. Your professor will know the amount of effort you are putting into his/her class if you attend office hours regularily, and therefore will be more willing to help you out come the final exams.
4.       Excecise regularly. If you exercise on a daily basis, you will have sleep better and have more energy to help you stay on top of your academics!
5.       Get involved on campus. Whether you join a club or play on an intramural sports team, getting involved helps you broaden your horizons.

And above all, remember to have fun! All work and no play will lead to greater amounts of stress. So reward your hard working efforts and cut loose every now and then.

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