Happy Friday, Wyoming! My name is Dara and I am a current college student… so, as you can tell, I am not one of the advisers. However, I am working with them as support in many areas and happily blogging with the team as well!
So, we’re talking financial aid this week! This process was definitely the most overwhelming to me when I was in high school and getting ready to head off to college. How did I manage to sort through all of the deadlines, essays and applications??? Simple-organization! Organization in every sense of the word is the key! Develop a rhythm for filling out scholarship applications, whether it is filling out one a week, every other week, or whatever works for your schedule. Also, it’s a great idea to keep an e-copy of all of your essays from various applications because many times, themes and topics of scholarships may overlap and can be modified to apply to a different scholarship. (Great time saver!) Also, if you find yourself trying to keep up with a large amount of application deadlines, you may consider purchasing a small calendar to keep them all in one place. It becomes a much better reference tool than having to search through your post-its to find the right date, (which I learned the hard way).
Filling out scholarships does take a great investment of time. However, it is time well spent! To reiterate what Angela said: “look often, look early and don’t forget to apply!” It pays off…literally!
The above title is a quote from activist, Florynce Kennedy.
Dara Anderson
College Advisor Assistant
Dara Anderson
College Advisor Assistant
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