Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Hit the Gym

Everyone manages stress differently. A lot of people I know exercise as a stress release. Exercise helps boost your feel good endorphins.  A majority of colleges have a gym on campus and it is usually free (well kind of, student fees). So jump on a treadmill or lift some weights. Most gyms offer exercise classes so you can change up your routine. Try kickboxing, zumba, or step aerobics. If you just bombed a test, you can always take your fury out on a punching bag.  

To infinity and beyond!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Procrastination is a way of college life. Every college student procrastinates. Getting around it can be the hardest task put forth to you during your college career.  I, myself, was a huge procrastinator.  The only advice I can give you is to do your assignments a little bit at a time. If you have a ten page paper due next week, write 2 pages every day.  If you have to read 150 pages in the next three days, read 50 pages every night. It looks simple on paper. In reality, overcoming procrastination probably won’t happen until your junior year.  

That's all folks!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Using KeyWords (Take 2)

     I just came across a great article that emphasizes my point from a few weeks ago about "using keywords" on your resume. Cindy Perman explains this topic in a way that I wish I could have, so here is a good follow-up article.

T.D. Bjornestad

Friday, March 23, 2012

A No-Brainer Blog

Nope… It wasn’t the deli-tray this time! That sick feeling you have in the pit of your stomach is coming from the anxiety of another deadline to meet, but don’t worry yet because you still have tomorrow… and when tomorrow comes… well… you still have tomorrow.
                The “tomorrow” mindset was my chosen holy doctrine in college; I wore it like Larry the Cable Guy wears a camo cut-off shirt – with pride and a confused sense of self-approval. To add to the similarity, I had no idea how much it ruined my credibility, how well it displayed my worst qualities, and how significantly it capped my capacity to be successful in my field. Now, this blog isn’t meant to be a hit piece on an average comedian. This blog is to tell you that there is power in “NOW.”
                Let us the reverse the logic. If it can be done tomorrow – maybe it can be done today. If it can be later – maybe it can be done now. Getting things done early gives you the freedom and ability to be agile with regards to project deadlines. You can determine the full quality of your output rather than hashing out a product that merely meets expectations. Conventional wisdom wins out: Do what can be done now.

T.D. Bjornestad

Time, Time, Tims is (Not) on Your Side

There are only so many hours in a day. This is one lessonthat will certainly hit you like a ton of bricks when you get to college. As much as you would probably love to have 36 hour days to fit in everything in your life, alas 24 remains the magic number. So how do you deal with this?


You will have so many things fighting for your time: classes, studying, sleeping, socializing, and dozens of other things. You have to prioritize and figure out what things you need to focus the most on. Do you really need to play 4 hours of video games each day? I sure hope not. Pick what is the most critical (hopefully class and studying. Just throwing it out there) and figure out how much time to spend on it each day, and then work you priorities down from there. They might be different each day, which is fine. Variety is the spice of life after all.

It may take you awhile to figure out the right time management for you. But have no fear. Practice makes perfect, right?

No moss grows on a rolling stone

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The Planner

I NEVER used a planner in high school.  College was a different story.  I would have failed in college had it not been for my planner. It is called a ‘plan’ner for a reason… now use it. At the beginning of every semester, your professors will give you a class syllabus. It will have all your reading assignments, homework assignments, quiz and test dates, and paper due dates.  Sit down after class and write all your assignment due dates in your planner.  It is so much easier to schedule your time when you know when everything is due.  If your planner tells you that you have a test on Monday and two papers due on Wednesday, it is probably not a great idea to party your weekend away.  Planners are cheap too. Some colleges give planners out for free.  It will be one of the best investments you make. 

Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Time Management? What is that!

I only have one piece of advice: Spend time in between class in the library!

If you get in the habit of this, you will find yourself with more free time in the evenings and on the weekends.

Learning to manage your time in college will be detrimental to your success! College is not going to be the cake walk you experienced in high school, so be mindful of your time, and spend it wisely doing something productive!
